What’s New with the Asymptote Team?

See what our team has been up to, outside of Asymptote!

Portions of assistant editor Alexis Almeida’s translation of Florencia Walfisch’s Sopa de Ajo y Mezcal were published at the Fanzine. She also had the poems “Study of My Body the Pantomime” and “17 Sounds for Saint Cecilia” published in Matter Monthly, and she contributed to an Insect Poetics feature in the Volta. Futhermore, Alexis recently had both translations and poems published in issue two of Divine Magnet.

Slovakia editor-at-large Julia Sherwood’s translation of the short story “The Wall” by Hubert Klimko-Dobrzaniecki—translated from the Polish jointly with Peter Sherwood—appeared in the September issue of the Missing Slate.

Yesterday, assistant managing editor Justin Maki and David Moscovich of Louffa Press celebrated the one-year anniversary of their eXfoliation Reading Series at Book Culture on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. The evening featured readings from Ukrainian émigré and novelist Yuriy Tarnawsky (interviewed in Asymptote‘s July 2014 issue) and fiction writer Joseph Riippi, as well as poets Cecily Iddings and Joe Pan.

Assistant editor K.T. Billey’s poem “Girl Gives Birth to Thunder” has won the Vallum 2015 Poetry Prize.

India editor-at-large Poorna Swami’s poem “Etymology” has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize by Indiana Review.

Iran editor-at-large Poupeh Missaghi also contributed to the Volta’s Insect Poetics feature. Her piece is entitled “Insects Are Food for Thought” and it appears on the 9th page of the collection.

AmazonCrossing has officially announced the forthcoming publication of our Indonesia editor-at-large Tiffany Tsao’s novel The Oddfits. The novel will be published in February 2016. Furthermore, Tiffanny recently wrote a review of The Hazards by Sarah Holland-Batt for Mascara Literary Review.