from Versi Vissuti

Edith Bruck

The symbol

“She died of helplessness”
Might be what’s written on my gravestone
Wherever that might be, there’s no guarantee a person dies
Where she was born or where she lives
It could be anyplace
At that uncertain hour
There are no good countries or bad countries
But as a symbol I’d like a small star
Six-pointed, like the one that shimmered
On my threadbare coat as a child
Carve it into the stone real good
Like they carved into my skin
Into my flesh, into my innards
And if there’s another life
I will be a yellow star
To remind you once upon a time,

To be born by chance

To be born by chance
To be born a woman
To be born poor
To be born Jewish
It’s too much
For a single life


Of the men who count
In life
There’s only one:
The father who is missing


What great howling at the wind
What deep fear of everything
What a life full of terror
And of love, and of battles
For a little peace
For an inch
Of foreign soil

translated from the Italian by Jeanne Bonner