from Contemporaneities

Nóra Ružičková

today we have to clean the temple of art of insects
and to the working and creative collectives return
what belongs unto it!

there is no time for whimpers, differences are tough and hard
what matters is the requirement of today
for today is the mater of the future
go out into the streets and plazas, to the factories and mines
sink your teeth into life’s élan
and let yourself be impregnated by the social struggle of today
let its revolutionary spark burgeon in your blood!

this part of the world, bled dry, proletarianized
and pauperized to the utmost measure
awaits its apostle—
the artist who would listen to the heavy heartbeat and breathing
of the worker and farmer collectives

our standpoint is crystallized and clear
today’s desperation has to be strangled by action!


the time is ripe for change
the system eroded by internal struggles has decayed
new culture opens wide horizons into the future
brings abiding dreams of freedom, happiness and permanent peace closer
in the new society the mission of art broadens
the worker has become the centre of attention
art strives to make his life more beautiful
and teach him to see the familiar reality in a new way
in this way art participates in the creation of a new reality
it does not just reflect it, but also remodels it
if the new art is to be worthy of its name
its form has to resonate with its new contents
the creation of the new style and new art
will become a creative process
marked by new artistic discoveries
this process will not dismiss
all that has been created before
but will build on
the art of the past and become
its organic continuation


this is about revival, a new renaissance
our present is
an influx of fresh blood

on a higher evolutionary level
foundations for new cultural advances have been laid
a new attitude towards life has become clearly unavoidable
the form it takes is the new superstructure and the new man

our schools keep producing fresh supplies of new cadres
under new slogans
they fight for new art

the new advanced taste
rings with fresh optimism

today when new art is being made
today more than ever before

Szabó is stuck in yesterday


the ones who come after you will laugh at you the way you laugh at us now


the avalanche that has already been triggered is hard to stop
a new tremor is nigh
a revolutionary shock wave knocks down the glass castles of aesthetic rules
restless process of the accelerated artistic autopoiesis

it’s hard to transform a closed circle into a straight line
at the Smolenice conference on the role of artistic avant-gardes we attempted

work that provides a springboard for the artistic present
discloses new programmatic stimuli
regular international festivals and exhibitions
strengthen the position of the newest forays
fervently delving into new artistic tendencies

naturally, the pioneers are not to blame
nor are the generations of their artistic fathers and grandfathers
living their last days now

we are dealing with new elements
of the newest artistic development
with possibilities of new combinations
of fresh and intense impulses

new and still newer means and materials are sought
the inventiveness of the contemporary artist virtually knows no bounds
textiles, plastics and metals, chemicals
water, fire and other untrammelled forces of nature
everything is involved in the creation of a new reality

new beginnings ferment
rewarding us with a lasting experience


option I: are we ahead of our time?
option II: is our time ahead of us?
option III: . . . ?


talking today about the engagement of art with the motion that is reshaping the whole of society there are things to draw on we draw on all the honest and thorough effort of the past few decades when works that have come to last beyond the horizon of their time not by being timeless and neutral but by dint of fervent participation in the struggle of the working people for a better future it has already been stated that our art has also suffered its own crisis for an artist an artistic crisis is usually also a human crisis he needs our understanding because the artistic process is not a walk through a rose garden we the citizens of this country are not indifferent to the fate and mission of the artist if we want to help the artist as a human being kissing the wound is not enough to make it better we support the kind of creative process that will give rise to new creations these days we are interested in those artists who are convinced and active artists these days we need them to support their civic engagement with the whole breadth of their talent we make no secret of the fact that we want to really engage win over and enthuse artists so that they embrace the great ideas of our times for which already hundreds of millions of the most conscientious self-sacrificing progressive people on the planet live work fight the benefits of practical socialism are increasingly more visible all over the world workplaces flats neighbourhoods schools roads everything needs constant cultivating it is necessary because this will increasingly
appear to be an internal need of the working people


nowadays even politicians are aware of
the connection between economy and culture
in present-day society creativity
has become the engine of innovation
nowadays we can measure
a whole host of economic indicators
from the price of the work
or tickets
to well-known multiplier effects
which cultural managers
can reel off
if necessary


as employees of the university
we were given access to the building
where at the end of an empty corridor
we filled the time by planning


translated from the Slovak by Ivana Hostová