Articles in Poetry in Jul 2012 - Search Results


Rachida Madani, from Tales of a Severed Head

Translated from the French by Marilyn Hacker

Roselyne Sibille, from Shadow-World

Translated from the French by Karthika Naïr

Paol Keineg, from Triste Tristan

Translated from the French by Rosmarie Waldrop

Ernest Wichner, About the Village

Translated from the German by Rosmarie Waldrop

Ava Koohbor, from Doubt itself is a belief

Translated from the Persian by Patrick James Dunagan and Ava Koohbor

Marina Eskina, A Letter from Zürau

Translated from the Russian by Ian Ross Singleton

Shushanik Kurghinian, We As Two Separate Planets

Translated from the Armenian by Shushan Avagyan

Laura Campmany, from The Smoking Angel

Translated from the Spanish by Emily Toder

Francesca Pellegrino, from Chernobylove — the day after the wind

Translated from the Italian by Adria Bernardi

Musan Cho Oh-hyun, Six Zen Poems

Translated from the Korean by Heinz Insu Fenkl

Yang Mu, Three Poems

Translated from the Chinese by Michelle Yeh and Arthur Sze

Ye Mimi, Three Poems

Translated from the Chinese by Steve Bradbury

Niels Hav, The Long-haired Lorries

Translated from the Danish by Heather Spears

Bidel Dehlavi, Ghazal

Translated from the Persian by Rebecca Gould